Featured image of post Winter Break Central Rock Gym

Winter Break Central Rock Gym

We’ll be getting together around 11:00 AM on December 27th at the Central Rock Gym in Framingham, MA to boulder for a few hours. There is no set end time, and you can head out whenever you’d like. As for cost, $29 should cover the day pass and shoe rental for most of us. Non-members are welcome, so please feel free to bring a friend along!

Short Cole quip: Initially, we were shooting for a location out in Boston/North shore area, but most interest in the event is from NEPP members closer to Framingham. Unless this changes I’d prefer the Framingham location because it’s exclusively bouldering and there’s no chance of me ending up super high in the air on the belay or whatever lol.

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Last updated on Dec 27, 2023 00:00 UTC